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Master the seven learning styles

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There are seven different ways in which we learn. Each of the seven learning methods uses a different part of the brain. In fact, everyone has a preferred way of learning. This means that when you are speaking to a group of people, you need to use a combination of different styles to maximise their learning experience. Even when you are speaking to inform, to inspire, or to persuade, you still need the same combination that good teachers would have used for their students to maximise the impact of your speech.

Aural Method: This is a learning style that uses sounds and music. You need to maximise the impact of rhyme and jingles in your speech in order to maximise the impact of the aural method. Pay attention to how your sound comes out in the speech. Rehearsing your speech and recording your speech rehearsals for playback as a way of preparation will perfect the aural method for your speech.

Verbal Method: This has to do with the power of the word in your speech or article if it is written learning. You need to master the writing style including good grammar and use impactful words.

Visual Method: This method appeals to those that learn best through images and spatial understanding. In this case, use of mind maps and slide show presentation would be ideal. Be creative and include in your speech aides that would appeal to visual senses.

Logical Method: This is a learning style that uses logic, reasoning and systems. You need to focus on the structure of your speech and how it flows including how you shape the introduction, the main body and the conclusion if you are to appeal to members of the audience that prefer the Logical Method of learning.

Physical Method: This is a learning style that involves your body, hands and the sense of touch. Include in your speech hand gestures and body movement in order to engage this learning method. Use of demonstration objects in your speech will also help to appeal to audience members that prefer this learning method.

Social Method: Some people learn best when they work in groups or when they learn with others. If you are to talk for a long time like half a day or even a day, it would make a lot of sense to include a break-away session for the audience members to work in groups and then to report back. This helps members to brainstorm ideas and experience speaking before others.

Solitary Method: Some people learn best when they work alone or when they are in self-study mode. This method would be a little difficult to use. However, if you are speaking for a long time, you can give the members of the audience a little time for self-reflection on the content that you will have delivered to them. Even when you are speaking for a short time, inclusion of pauses in the speech helps the members of the audience to reflect a bit at a personal level. Do include pauses in your speech to effect this. Additionally, you can include in your speech clues that encourage the audience to think a little on their own.

Today, we have discussed how everyone has a preferred style for learning. Next time you have an opportunity to speak before an audience, remember to include all or most of the learning methods in the design of your speech. The more methods you include in your speech, the more members of the audience you will impact and inspire. Good luck as you master the seven learning methods!

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