National News

MCP defends Central Region dominance

At the helm: Chakwera
At the helm: Chakwerachakwera

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has defended the dominance of members from the Central Region in its newly announced National Executive Committee (NEC), saying all appointments into the committee were based on provisions in the party’s constitution.

The party added that appointments were also based on the extent to which the nominees were seen to respect the party’s four cornerstones.

Last week, MCP released the list of names of other people who have joined the party’s NEC. The list saw 22 positions going to Central Region members, eight positions going to Northern Region members and seven positions filled by members from the Southern Region.

In an interview on Monday, the party’s administrative secretary Potiphar Chidaya said the region where one comes from was immaterial when the party’s president Dr. Lazarus Chakwera led the process of appointing the NEC members.

“It does not matter where one comes from provided they are loyal to the party and its leadership. They are supposed to be obedient to the leadership and capable of delivering,” said Chidaya.

Chancellor College political analyst Joseph Chunga argued the MCP NEC would have still been dominated by people from the Central Region even if all the positions were filled through elections at the convention.

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