National News

MEC calls for culture of tolerance

 Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Chifundo Kachale has called on politicians and Malawians in general to promote a culture of tolerance to avoid political conflicts in the run up to the 2025 General Elections.

Speaking in Lilongwe yesterday when MEC engaged district commissioners (DCs) and police officers-in-charge to remind them of their responsibilities and orient them on new electoral laws, he said every Malawian has a role to play in ensuring that there is a peaceful electoral process.

Kachale, a judge of the High

 Court of Malawi, said: “In so far as the culture of tolerance and democracy is concerned, it is not just the responsibility of the commission.

Kachale: Promote a culture of tolerance

“It is the responsibility for every Malawian and every political actor to ensure that they create a culture where they are prepared to accept that there will be people with different opinions that may want to do campaigns and also try to reach out and canvas their own agenda in different areas.”

He said where there is evidence of criminal activity, MEC expects law enforcement agencies to do their work by, among others, conducting credible investigations and where anybody needs to be prosecuted, they will have the capacity to go and prosecute.

Kachale said the commission will also engage leaders of political parties to remind them of their responsibilities to promote tolerance.

In his remarks, Central West Region Police Commissioner Emmanuel Soko said the police will provide the needed security to ensure free and fair elections.

“Malawians should expect that, us as police officers, we are going to do a thorough job as far as provision of security of elections is concerned,” he said.

Lilongwe DC Lawford Palani commended MEC for orienting DCs on the new electoral law, saying it will help prepare the district commissioners in managing the elections.

“As we are conducting elections, we will ensure that we do according to the law. I want to assure Malawians that, as district commissioners, we will perform according to the law,” he said.

On Monday this week, MEC also engaged similar stakeholders in the Southern Region who pledged to level the playing field for all contestants during the campaign period for the September 16 2025 General Elections.

The commitments come against the background of some political parties being barred from holding campaign rallies in jurisdictions their rivals deemed their strongholds. In some cases, local councils have also faced accusations of bias for allegedly blocking political parties, especially those in opposition, from holding rallies.

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