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MSE traded value, volume up in 2022

(MSE) recorded an increase in both traded value and volume in 2022, registering a 36.74 percent positive return on investment, published data shows.

The positive return on index was reflected in the upward movement of the Malawi All Share Index (Masi) which inched upwards from 45 367.68 points registered in January 2022 to 62 036.05 points registered in December 2022.

Trading in progress at Malawi Stock Exchange

The 16-counter MSE, according to the annual market report, transacted a total of 1.4 billion shares at K51.79 billion in 4 271 trades from1.3 billion shares transacted at K37.69 billion in 3 304 trades in the corresponding period.

According to the report, market capitalisation increased both in kwacha and United States dollar terms from K2.46 trillion ($3.02 billion) on January 01 2022 to K3.35 trillion ($3.26 billion) on December 31 2022.

Commenting on the performance of the market, market analyst Bond Mtembezeka said that the market has shown great resilience this year and that the decline in the return on investment is an indication that some high priced stocks experienced some declines in the year.

On her part, MSE operations manager Kelline Kondowe said the major thing that investors look for when investing their money is value and good returns.

“In that regard, the return registered remains a major highlight for the bourse, especially given the developments in the macroeconomic environment,” she said.

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