People’s Tribunal

Party Funding Bill fiasco and lack of scrutiny

Dear judge Mbadwa,

My lord, the songs of praise have been reverberating almost from every corner of Nyasaland following Lazaro’s decision not to assent into law the Political Parties Act (Amendment) Bill.

Had this Bill been assented, it would have allowed the taxpayer to fund all political parties represented in Parliament and that is where the problem was.

My lord, if you look at the history of political parties in the multiparty democracy, you realise that there is nothing warranting the citizens funding such entities which, save for the cockerel, essentially belong to some individuals or families.

We all know that People’s Demagogic Party (PDP) belongs to the Mapuya clan while the Yellow Party has been the sole property of Chairman and sons.

Need I tell you why Chipani cha Amai will remain specifically that and the Sauli’s party, yes the same that sounds like United Transport Malawi Limited, is the property of an individual?

And why should a taxpayer be compelled to fund the cockerel anyway as if their ideology, if at all, is owned by the public?

The question that comes to mind is where were the legislators who were supposed to scrutinise the Bill and note that it contravenes Section 40 (2) of the Nyasaland Constitution?

My lord, the reason is simple; no legislator will bother to scrutinise something that is critical to the perpetuation of their political careers.

My lord, I will take you down memory lane on how honourable members of the Nyasaland Native Assembly deliberately looked away when it came to critical votes that would have ensured that institutions that foster good governance and rule of law were adequately funded.

I again submit that there was apparent indifference from the esteemed members of the Native Assembly on issues that really matter because their eyes were dimmed by the K100 million Constituency Development Fund (CDF) carrot that was dangled to the 193 members that was then increased  from K40 million.

My lord, in the case of the amendment Bill, the legislators were only interested in promoting survival of parties they belong to and not at advancing the agenda that would help the citizens.

I am not at all surprised that serious matters are hardly scrutinized while issues that promote the welfare of legislators receive a lot of attention.

My lord, the failure to scrutinise a Bill that Lazaro in the end refused to assent demonstrates that our Native Assembly representatives only care about winning an election or maintaining a status.

Till next time,


John Citizen.

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