
‘Reader’s questions on blackheads’

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Question: Hello Lucy, I would like to know the causes of blackheads and how to get rid of them. – Meria

Question: I am a girl aged 16 and I have a problem with my face. I have pimples, dark spots and oily skin; please tell me what to do.

Answer: Acne or pimples, includes blackheads, whiteheads, papules and pustules.  When your skin’s natural oils are not able to get to the surface, they cause all these forms of acne.  This is what is commonly referred to as having clogged pores. Beneath the skin, in your pores, is where the acne forms. The mix of your natural oils and dead skin cells cause the formation of acne.

Acne is a skin condition that causes spots if not properly handled. Most people affected by acne are aged between 12 and 25.  However, almost everyone has asked the question of how to get rid of acne or blackheads at some point in their lives.

Blackheads usually concentrate in oily areas of the skin such as the nose, forehead and chin.  These areas of the face have more oil glands and when the dead skin cells don’t shed properly, they mix with extra oils in those oily areas and clog the pores.  Blackheads are often the most frustrating of acne to get rid of since they have a larger life span than pustules and whiteheads and may be deeper within the skin.  Therefore, a blackhead can take many weeks before it drains to the top of the skin.

Blackheads can definitely ruin your skin texture and your face will look like it is not taken care of.  Getting rid of blackheads is quite challenging, but achievable and you can also stop them from coming back. There are plenty of medications, both prescription and over the counter that can assist you.  Since acne forms beneath the skin, meaning it is crucial to keep your pores clean to allow oils to escape to the top of the skin, it is recommended that you wash your face at least twice a day with a mild soap or face wash, use a skin toner, exfoliate two to three times a week to remove dead skin cells and moisturise your skin.

If washing your face is not enough, using benzoyl peroxide which can be found in face wash, bar soap, topical cream or gel in Oxy and Clearasil Max products, salicylic acid, usually found in medicated facial pads, face wash and facial toner in L’Oreal products and beta-hydroxy acid can help alleviate your problem.  This should be used once or twice daily and results should be evident after a few weeks, but if you do not see results after a few weeks or a month, consult your dermatologist for prescription for oral or topical treatments.

The best and cheapest natural way to keep your face spot free is to eat lots of healthy food and drink lots of water; try it today and you will see the difference in your complexion!

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