People’s Tribunal

Show us the vaccines if we are not helpless

Dear judge Mbadwa,

I was shocked that a year this week after taking the reins of power, there are some elements within Tokha Alliance—sadly they are increasing in number—that do not want Lazaro and Sauli to show that they are human after all and prone to making wrong judgments in some cases.

I have listened to the two’s passionate speeches time without number and the recent one being a meeting Lazaro had with religious leaders in the lakeshore district of Fort Johnson where he reiterated his wish to demystify the presidency.

In his own words, Lazaro told the religious leaders that he is bothered by those who continue to regard the president as some demigod to be revered instead of a servant to serve all citizens regardless of their political and religious affiliations.

Sauli, too, has in his dealings categorically demonstrated that the leadership is here to conduct business in an honest and sincere manner knowing that they owe their allegiance to the citizenry.

But the elements, who think they own Lazaro and Sauli, want to portray the two as super humans so much that they cannot find themselves expressing their helplessness or challenges to the public.

My lord, the case in point is Lazaro’s honest admission that Nyasaland is currently ‘helpless’ in the acquisition of Covid-19 vaccines. This, in my village understanding of English language, did not mean that Lazaro and his friends are no longer in control.

My lord, it is such an honest appraisal of the situation that can lead us to finding a solution to a particular challenge, something that Lazaro did in his admission.

But the elements, who are still nursing a hangover from an intoxicating leadership of Mapuya, Chairman and et al that got us drunk on half-truths of hope that ended in misery, want the presidency to start spewing out lies just to create a feel-good factor that there are not facing challenges.

My lord, I want to ask the elements who don’t agree with the president that the reasons behind the unavailability of Covid-19 vaccines are beyond him to procure the vaccines in two days’ time on Lazaro’s behalf.

If the elements cannot produce and supply the vaccines amid surging cases of coronavirus, I will be compelled to sue them for undermining the integrity of the presidency.

Truth be told, our handling of the pandemic has not been inspiring at all and you have to just listen to wavering statements from the Nyasaland Task force on Covid-19 on availability of the vaccines, to understand what I am saying.

But my lord, Lazaro and Sauli are not as naive as these elements because as men of integrity they wouldn’t want to follow Mapuya’s script of giving us false consciousness of reality.

So, let the elements give us the vaccines to prove that we are not helpless instead of defending the indefensible otherwise they should just keep quiet.

Apule ndi atonse awa!


John Citizen.

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