Shredding a legacy in seconds: The case of Tokha
Dear judge Mbadwa,
My lord, it looks like Tokha Are Liars leaders are collectively reading a book ‘How to Shred a Legacy in Seconds’ if one were to consider how their approval ratings have tumbled like a pack of cards in just two months.
It is interesting to see how Tokha, especially the cockerel crew of Lazaro, are displaying the very traits of arrogance and pride that brought down the regime of People’s Demagogic Party (PDP).
My lord, just as the PDP brought a self-inflicted misery because of the know-it-all attitude of most of its leaders, Tokha is busy, for selfish reasons, insulting the intelligence of the very people that brought it to power.
With its focus on 2025 instead of addressing the issues affecting the people, the Tokha crew is ready to pursue a parochial agenda regardless of the consequences as long as it cements its stranglehold on Nyasaland.
My lord, from the outside you might wrongly be thinking that there are no level-headed people to pump sense into the heads of the authorities.
Trust me; sensible people have tried their best to point at the folly of advancing an agenda against Marita at the expense of national interest only that the establishment has decided to take advice from compromised veteran politicians and presidential handlers who created an impression that Marita is out to finish the Tokha are Liars.
My lord, why should people be worried about Marita if they come with clean hands? Is this an issue that should derail Tokha from fulfilling numerous promises it made to Nyasas when it ascended to the throne?
How disappointing it was to hear the new minister of Information in Nyasaland Mose Figtree talking about sovereignty yet his government is relying on donors to provide cholera vaccines to tame the oubreak.
So, here he were singing sovereignty, yet his administration has unashamedly been parading begging bowls for budgetary support to donors like some possessed people.
How sovereign are you, my lord, when you cannot maintain a road from the Capital to the far north from your budget or let alone buy drugs and equipment for public hospitals?
My lord, the Tokha Are Liars, has made a bed and it has to lie in it. Its unpleasant epitaph would be something like this if it doesn’t repent: Here lies an alliance that flattered to deceive! Whose leaders earned the notoriety of being antithetical to the fight against corruption after failing to practise what they preached!”
My lord, I don’t know how else Tokha can redeem itself after it punctured a hole in its survival boat for picking an unnecessary fight with Marita.
Perception in politics, my lord, matters and currently Tokha is being perceived as a group that has a lot of skeletons in its cupboard.
My lord, it is not my legacy that is at stake here, but surely Tokha would have done better.
John Citizen.
With Emmanuel LucianoFeedback: whatsapp 09 99 253 633