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Spare time for a Pap smear woman

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Are you a sexually active woman? Do you know that it is recommended that you have a Pap smear at least every two or three years in your life?

Have you, then, had a Pap smear done? If you haven’t, it is about time you had one because it could save your life.

A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women. The procedure—which is simple, fast and generally painless—involves collecting cells from the woman’s cervix which are examined for cancerous elements in a laboratory.

What the procedure does is to detect changes in your cervical cells that suggest cancer may develop in the future. The early detection is a step in the right direction in the process of halting the possible development of cervical cancer.

Routine Pap smears help in the early detection of most cervical cancers, giving women a greater chance at a cure because the development of cancerous cells is discovered at a point where it can be controlled.

It takes a few minutes in the doctor’s office; no anesthesia or hospital admission, and it is vital for women to go through the procedure.

Being a medical novice, I cannot go in detail about what virus the medical experts look for when they are conducting the test or how the virus develops. But if you decide to do this very important procedure, the medical experts you deal with at a particular medical centre are likely to brief you about the test.

Women who are not currently sexually active, but have at some point in their lives been sexually active are also encouraged to do a Pap smear.

Some women avoid Pap smear because they think it is painful, but the procedure is generally painless. It may cause discomfort for some people, but it is negligible and cannot in any way compare to the pain or discomfort one suffers with full blown cervical cancer.

Other women are just shy to have their private parts examined by medical personnel. Quite understandable, but this is a crucial life-saving procedure that should not be ignored in the name of preserving one’s dignity.

Undressing before medical practitioners cannot totally be avoided. One way or another, a woman still finds herself in a situation where a doctor has to examine their private parts. And if you think about it, the medical experts are not interested in seeing your nakedness. All they want is to provide you medical assistance. So, shake off these funny ideas and make this important decision to go for a Pap smear.

The earlier cervical cancer is detected, the safer you are.

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