My Thought

Mob justice is not justice

 I want to delve into something which is gradually turning our country into a state of lawlessness, mob justice. I have watched and read how oftentimes suspected criminals are bruised and tortured to death by an irate mob that feels the suspected criminal deserves the harshest punishment.

The irritated mob takes the law into their own hands to deal with suspected criminals and  the matter usually ends with brutalities and loss of lives. The mob takes upon themselves illegally to dispense justice without giving the suspect the right to defend themselves. Suspected criminals are frequently spanked to death; stripped naked and lynched with stones, till suspects die and occasionally setting them ablaze as has been the trend in many parts the country.

Apart from lives being lost, there are times when various properties have been damaged or completely demolished by an angry mob which feels it has the right to administer justice.

 I want to believe that those who engage in mob justice are ignorant of the law and the fundamental human rights. One does not need to be a legal expert to know that a person is considered innocent until he/she is proven guilty and that everyone has a right to defend themselves in a court of law.

I am not in a way saying people should steal, kill and be let scot free, no. All I am saying is that we should let institutions and public bodies entrusted with the task of dispensing justice to perform it accordingly.

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