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Stakeholders meet on hooliganism

Tear-gased players running to safety during the Kamuzu Barracks vs BT United at Kamuzu Stadium last month
Tear-gased players running to safety during the Kamuzu Barracks vs BT
United at Kamuzu Stadium last month

FAM and the Super League of Malawi (Sulom) have summoned teams, fans and other stakeholders to a meeting today over the escalating running battles between Army and civilian club fans at Kamuzu Stadium.

The meeting to start at 5pm will attract supporters committee heads, Army team representatives, media, stewards, club chairpersons, general secretaries and treasurers, according to invitation letters from FAM and Sulom.

Sulom president Innocent Bottomani confirmed yesterday that he would attend the meeting to arrest the vice which has forced the authorities to shut down indefinitely the Blantyre football arena after three cases of violence against soldiers.

“We are mainly targeting teams such as Big Bullets and Mighty Wanderers and other stakeholders such as the Army to try and understand the problem. There are few teams that are 100 percent involved in the violence and we do not want to punish other innocent clubs,” Bottomani explained yesterday.

Bullets chairperson Malinda Chinyama yesterday confirmed receipt of the invitation letter.

“I think that is the way to go. I do not think unilateral decisions made out of impulse generated can solve the problem. We need to sit down and get to the bottom of the problem,” Chinyama noted.

Between 2005 and 2008, FAM and Sulom have held such meetings but implementation is always a challenge.

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