
The duty to provide for our children (2)

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While some groups of people may assist a needy family, parents have the primary responsibility of taking care of the family. Each parent must, therefore, try to work hard to provide sufficiently for the family. Sometimes, this may involve doing without luxuries, cutting down expenses on hairdos or going without a TV set so that basic needs are provided. This is crucial in the first five years of a child’s life. The proper food a child gets during his first five years determines his future. The proper mental growth of the child is affected if not properly fed, as such; parents should make sure that a balanced diet is provided to the growing child, likewise to the adults.

Provisions for the children should be made with utmost care because once a child is provided with more than what is necessary; it may lead to greed, selfishness and carelessness.

Let us remember the Lord’s Prayer which states “Give us this day our daily bread” which means that God should give our daily necessities or give us what is sufficient for a particular day. Parents have to strive hard to make all provisions for the children available. It is a hard task but it must be done.

Children are a gift from God and if we really value the giver, we should also appreciate the responsibilities that go along with it. With this, parents are challenged to the task of raising their children to be mature adults, balanced in every aspect of their lives. Remember; you shall reap what you sow.

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