Train young people below you
We have so often seen people destroying other people. But we, in the rise and shine fraternity, believe that people can, and sometimes do, build other people.
Great achievers are products of efforts and generosity of other people. There is great joy in being of help and assistance to others. There is tremendous satisfaction in building other people into big professionals and into big achievers.
But, what are some of the key attributes that can help you to become skilled at training others?
First you need to understand the training needs of the person that you want to train. You need to know their current level of knowledge and skills as well as where they want to be and by when? This will help you to train the person correctly and with the correct set of knowledge bits. At the same time, you need to understand yourself.
Understand what you know best and what you do not know very well. This will help you to only share knowledge that you know is good for those whom you are building. This will also help you to refer the people you train to others who can complement on training needs that you are not strong at. That way you will help the trainees to get the full training that they need.
You then need to agree the terms very clearly with the person you want to gloom into a higher and bigger professional. This will help the candidate to prepare for the training and coaching that you will be giving them. In this discussion, you need to agree the training goals and expected deliverables. You also need to agree on the assignments that may be needed in the course of the training.
Along the way, you need to build a good and appropriate communication channel. This will help the two of you to be able to comfortably discuss the training progress of the candidate and also this will help you to periodically have an effective discussion on what can be done better. Basically, this becomes the best way of enabling feedback to flow in both directions.
It is important that the delivery of your instruction to the people you are building into new professionals should be through various and different modes. Do not stick to one way of delivering your instructions. Also allow your training candidates to watch you in action, wherever possible. This challenges you to conduct yourself in an exemplary manner and in turn this helps you to develop professionally and grow personally.
Give the candidate all the necessary support required. Mobilise actual resources which may be needed. But also, where failure can occur, allow them to fail but in a controlled and expected manner to minimise impact such as loss of trust and credibility. Work with them to reflect on the failures and mistakes to learn and draw the big lessons that make them better people for the future.
Anyone who works and grows without monitoring and tracking their growth against the plan will not optimally achieve their true potential. There is therefore, an imperative need to constantly monitor progress of growth versus the plan.
A lot of people out there spend a lot of time and money working out plans to destroy others. But we, in the rise and shine fraternity, do not subscribe to such a practice. Rather, we believe that a human being can build and make another being to become bigger and better. Let us stand apart and help grow this new approach which help make the world a better place to live on. Remember to rise and shine as a builder and developer of other people’s talents. Good luck!