
Use the power of self-motivation

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The power of motivation is too important to leave in the hands of someone else. Be your own motivation which is not about ignoring the inspiration and impetus other people and experiences bring but it’s about not making external motivators your starting point. Let the external motivators be a bonus and look within yourself for motivation because that’s what you can sustain. Here’s a start on some approaches to counting on you;

Know what motivates you: Where do you get your motivation? How do you keep it strong? These are fundamental questions to have clear answers to because it’ll help you to back yourself by doing what stimulates your energies. No one can and should care more about your progress and development than you.

Be intentionally positive: A positive mindset and attitude are fully within your power. Make a choice not to waste your mind on negativity or things that breed helplessness. For example, intentionally enjoy what’s working so that your energy levels don’t quickly dip at the smallest challenge you are faced with. Keep your outlook up.

Find some answers: Another power in your grasp is that of staying open to seeking or creating answers and solutions to your challenges. Face your obstacles, don’t wish them away or camp on them. When faced with a problem, understand the issue, work out what a solution looks like and then go about doing what you need to solve it. Don’t stay in the problem zone.

Get out of your own head: Some of the things that de-motivate can be self inflicted. You’ll experience exactly what you focus on. Focus on what you can control. Use the ‘’unknown’ ahead of you to work towards what’s potentially possible rather than staying mired in recycling or rehashing old experiences and issues. You can literally change direction if you stop making your head a dump. Reframe what you consider bad situations.

Stop “busying’’ and “activitying’’: Needing to be busy steeped in doing and staying occupied can be a time wasting default. And you don’t need motivation for that. Regularly assess the impact of your work and be spurred on by your successes. Let go of what you can’t justify spending time on. Do what motivates you to do what’s important to you whatever that is.

Reflection & Action: How can you increase your self-motivation?

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