What are you willing to ignore?
Focus is such an important thing; it helps you put your attention on what really matters and to ignore other things of little consequence. But in the workplace there are several things that can distract you. Here are some common things I suggest you learn to ignore.
Irrelevant weaknesses: Most people are more concerned with fixing their weaknesses than building their strengths. If an area that you are weak in is not a critical competence for your job, minimise it, otherwise, while you spend time fixing your faults, your work is not getting done.
Addiction to approval: A pat on the back will lift anyone’s mood. But always needing a dose of validation from others to feel that you are doing something right is a false sense of security. Overcome your need to please everyone with the intention of getting approval. Don’t depend on others to feel good about yourself or the good work you do. Don’t crumble if you don’t get a much deserved recognition or praise for something you have achieved.
Offences against you: These will happen. A colleague will offend you or you may take offence at someone else sometimes even without the person knowing. When offences happen ignore them. If you can’t deal with them promptly then draw a line under them. Don’t hold grudges in the workplace. They drain your energy and can hold you hostage.
Advice that does not work: People mean well and especially in a nurturing environment people will volunteer free advice. Don’t reject it out of hand. Reflect on it and feel free to ignore advice that will not work for you and just plain inappropriate. Disagree with it without being disagreeable.
Drama: A thousand things can cause tension and drama in the workplace. Personality problems, people who often find themselves in the midst of controversy, the rumour mill and gossip are some examples. Set boundaries when talking about your personal problems. Avoid the urge to confront others over everything you are unhappy with.
Now take action: What little thing are you blowing out of proportion?