
Who should name the first born?

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Birth of the first born is usually welcomed by jubilation. But when it comes to naming the baby, religious or cultural beliefs come to play. He should be named by the husband’s family, some say; while others will stick to the belief that a child should be named after a certain person in the family. Mwereti Kanjo sought some views on the belief that the husband’s family should name the first born child.

Eliza Matewere: I think that this culture should continue because it gives respect to the husband. We all believe that the man is the head of the family and as such he has his respect and this is one way of showing that respect.

Llyod Ntotola: Yes. This should continue because the name given to the child resembles the character of the first owner of the name. Names are not just given. There are given for a reason. For instance, some people want the child to grow up like the person they admire in terms of behaviour and the role he/she has played in the family clan. Unfortunately, these days some young men are just naming their children without following proper cultural procedures. They are giving their children celebrity or foreign names like Michael Jackson, Michael Owen, among others.

Pastor Alex Makwinja: Marriage is a union and as such first born names can come from either side. It does not matter who names them. Those people who prefer that the first born’s name should come from the husband’s family are just selfish. No side of the family should be given priority in naming the child. It should be an agreement between the husband and the wife – not necessarily parents from the two.

Chikondi Phiri: This trend should not continue. What happens in the event that the two separate before the birth of the first born child [while still pregnant]? The dissolution of the marriage is also the breaking of the union and relationship between the two sides. Hence it is not necessary for the two to think of naming the child from the husband’s parents.

Phinly Elliot: Let us follow our cultural belief. Looking at the seniority of the family and husband as the head, he has to be given the priority to name the first born child. When the first born child is named by either the husband or his parents, the husband gains some more respect from the society.

Aggrey Muwamba: The first born is supposed to be named by the parents of the husband. But there is really no problem for the child to be named by the wife’s parents. A name does not mean much in the running of family affairs. There is always a need for the husband and wife to discuss this before the birth.

Emily Phiri: We are living in the 21st Century. Who names the child does not matter. But it’s up to the couple to decide whether they name the child or they opt for the parents from either side to do so.

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