
Wives are to help their husbands succeed

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God created Eve to be Adam’s helper, and that role remains important in every Christian marriage. The Bible says that she was to be “a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18). That points to the complimentary roles of husband and wife. There are certain things that even the best husband is weak at doing. Wives are therefore to identify the areas in which their husbands need their help and godly husbands must be humble enough to accept such help.

Your husband must have complete assurance that you are there to help him succeed. This is particularly important with regard to his function as a father. It is a wife’s responsibility to help her man succeed by encouraging him, praising him, avoiding confrontation and publicly honoring him as a model father.

Another area where a man needs help to succeed is in his role as a husband. A wife can help her husband by submitting to him. We know from our mothers that many women have tough times because many men do such a bad job of being husbands. If we go by God’s plan for marriage, it could also be because the husband has a tougher job, and he needs to be encouraged in managing finances, or in dealing with pressures at work and they need help in the bedroom. Above all, they need help to realize that they need help and that their wives are friends or allies, not competitors.

It is in the area of domestic support that most men need wives who are committed at all times. I am not suggesting that keeping house should be left exclusively to the woman. But, it is equally true that men value women’s support in these vital areas. Even when a couple can financially afford household help. many husbands desire a wife who can manage the home effectively.

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