
Women issues: Pregnancy dos and don’ts

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Question: I am eight weeks pregnant . Are there certain foods I should avoid?

Answer: First off, congratulations! According to Mayo, there are a few foods to avoid during pregnancy. These are:

Undercooked meat, poultry and eggs

These can be contaminated with the harmful bacteria salmonella. Avoid foods made with raw or partially cooked eggs, such as eggnog and hollandaise sauce.

Unpasteurised foods

Many low-fat dairy products — such as skim milk, mozzarella cheese and cottage cheese — can be a healthy part of your diet. But anything containing unpasteurised milk is a no-no. These products may lead to food-borne illness. Also, avoid drinking unpasteurised juice.

Unwashed fruits and vegetables

To eliminate any harmful bacteria, thoroughly wash all raw fruits and vegetables and cut away damaged portions.

Large quantities of liver

Liver is OK during pregnancy, but don’t overdo it. Liver is high in vitamin A, and too much vitamin A may cause birth defects.

Excess caffeine

Caffeine can cross the placenta and affect your baby’s heart rate. Some studies suggest that drinking too much caffeine may be associated with a small decrease in birth weight or an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. In fact, a large 2008 study suggests that 200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day — about a 12-ounce cup (354 millilitres) of brewed coffee — during pregnancy may slow fetal growth.

Herbal tea

Although herbal tea may be soothing, avoid it unless your health care provider says it’s OK — even the types of herbal tea marketed specifically to pregnant women. Limit your coffee intake to one cup a day


One drink isn’t likely to hurt your baby, but no level of alcohol has been proved safe during pregnancy. The safest bet is to avoid alcohol entirely.—

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