Your thought shapes your life
Your thought is the compass of your destiny. Your life will always go in the direction of your thought pattern. Many great destinies have been ruptured by negative thought. Our guest writer STELLA FOWEWE gives us an inspiration reading.
Negative thoughts are the enemies of victorious life. Since our life is very much determined by our minds, our thoughts can make or break our life. Negative thoughts will distract your focus from the important and drain your energy.
At the end, you will no longer have the ingredients necessary for success. Knowing how to overcome negative thoughts may make the difference between victory and defeat in the journey of life.
Any thought you give attention to in life becomes stronger; if you give attention to negative thoughts, they will get stronger and stronger. What seems like a small matter in the beginning may become monstrous in the end. What you should do is breaking the vicious cycle by shifting your focus to something positive. You can then reinforce this positive attention until you completely defeat the negative thoughts.
Negative thinking will always be a dark cloud that travels overhead. Everyone who meets you will be repelled by the negativity. The law of attraction weighs heavily on both sides. If you are negative – negativity can squeeze the breath out of you, but if you see the positive side of life, the positive will fill you up so that you fly high above every situation and circumstances in life. Negative thoughts are unhelpful; they keep you depressed, repel people from you and stop you from getting the best out of life.
Negative thoughts make you feel bad – anxious, sad, depressed, hopeless, guilty, angry. It lowers the body defence mechanism, causes eating disorders: from overeating to a complete lack of appetite.
When we are in a negative state we do not attract those elements that would make our lives advance; rather, we attract the circumstances that support us in thinking something is wrong, and we get stuck Instead of being overwhelmed by these feelings, you can learn to use them as a cue for action.
Positive thinking costs nothing but gives you endless rewards. Positive thinking is the key to happiness in life. It draws people towards you.