
Ziyaye confirms 197 Catholics

Ziyaye administering sacrament of confirmation
Ziyaye administering sacrament of confirmation

Head of the Lilongwe Archdiocese of the Catholic Church Tarcizius Ziyaye last Sunday conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on 197 Christians aged between 14 and 65 years at a service that took place at St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish.

Archbishop Ziyaye co-celebrated the event with acting parish priest, Father John Makola, and his assistant Father Emmanuel Diliwo.

The confirmed Christians came from areas surrounding the parish in Area 18, Kauma and Mgubo outstations.

In his reflection based on readings taken from Pentecost Sunday, Ziyaye said the Sacrament gives the confirmed Christians the power to serve the Lord and spread the gospel without fear.

“The Sacrament of Confirmation empowers us to spread the gospel like the early apostles did after the day of Pentecost. Through confirmation, Christians receive the Holy Spirit to become spiritually adult members of the church,” he explained.

The archbishop said confirmation is the last of the three sacraments after initiation, baptism and Eucharist.

He said the work of the holy spirit is to unify Catholics worldwide irrespective of tribe, race, and colour or status in society.

“Thus, Confirmation comes with it the gifts of the holy spirit, which are wisdom, counsel, piety, fear of God, fortitude, knowledge and understanding to help us do the right.

“Let’s not dwell on assertions that the world is bad and full of evil. We must strive to do the right with the aid of the Holy Spirit,” said Ziyaye.

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