National News

Social contract signed for Mzimba west constituency

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Mzimba West constituents on Saturday signed a social contract with their legislator Harry Mkandawire to outline their political,social and economic aspirations.

The contract, facilitated by Phunzirani Development Organisation with financial support from National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DfID), details the issues which Mkandawire has to address in the constituency.

Mkandawire (C) sign the contract
Mkandawire (C) sign the contract

“Realising our rights as enshrined in our Republican Constitution, we want to ensure that elected leaders of political parties incorporate within their developmental agendas our political, social and economic aspirations and detail how they will come into fruition.

“This social contract has been drafted by the community against a background of manifestos and fronted agendas of political parties and candidates in Malawi containing ambiguities and complexities. This has caused difficulties for laymen like us to demand accountability on the promises made in these manifestos,” reads the contract in part.

Among others, the constituents want Mpherembe-Lusani, Mpherembe-Ezweleni and Malidade-Molia roads upgraded.

They have also asked the legislator to promote access to primary health care by, among others, initiating an ambulance programme at Mpherembe Health Centre, building of houses for health workers,  guardian shelters and provision of tap water in all health centres in the constituency.

Phunzirani Organisation programme manager Kinnear Mlowoka said the contract is one way of ensuring that people’s needs and aspirations on development are achieved.

Mkandawire said the contract shows people’s commitment to ensure that the area is developed.

“I am thrilled with the level of activeness among constituents,” he said. n


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