Feature of the Week

Desderio, ABE’s best lecturer

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Twenty- six-year-old Desderio Ngutwa has been recognised as a best lecturer of marketing studies by the London’s international examination body, Association of Business Executives (ABE).

Desderio, who lectures at the International College of Business and Management in Blantyre, was awarded a certificate of appreciation after two of his candidates got distinction in a marketing subject.

“I am happy that I have been recognised as a best lecturer. We are many globally. The recognition has energised me to accelerate and do more next time,” says Desderio.

He says self determination, hard work and supportive lesson plans helped him groom his students to do well in December examinations which were taken by many candidates worldwide.

“It took hard work and determination in engaging my students in class sessions. I ensure that we go together in lectures. This is done by providing a lot of tests where weaknesses of the students are easily detected,”,says Desderio, a chartered marketer.

Desderio, who has been in the profession for the past five years, believes that everything is possible in life. He adds that everything is attainable when one is determined and focused.

He advises the youth to work hard in their studies.

“I urge youths to refrain from immoral behaviours at the expense of studies. They can be whoever they admire in life as long they focus on their studies which will give them a brighter future,” he advises.

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