
What to do as you go higher

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Want a promotion? Have you considered what that would demand of you and what you’ll need to learn to do differently? Here are some typical new ways of working when you move up.

How you think: You are now being paid for your brains rather than simply being busy. Show you are thinking differently, delivering greater value, figuring out priorities to drive forward and thinking through new strategic work you should be engaged in.

What you do: You have to let go the lower level work and focus on issues impacting organisational success. Among other things, you have to optimise processes, maximise people’s strengths, make good decisions and provide the oversight, leadership and management needed to help achieve the right results.

What you care about: As you rise, caring more becomes part of your duties. Take time to understand what being good at your job takes and look for opportunities to further the impact of your work.

The values you demonstrate: Values expected of you include leadership, excellence, fairness, dependability, accountability, integrity, forward thinking, taking sensible risks, handling yourself with maturity and being above board in everything you do.

What you measure: It is no longer about how hard or even smart you work, but the outcomes you deliver, how you enable others to do well, ensuring performance metrics are clear, rewards communicated as well as the consequences of negligent wrong actions.

Capacity to make the tough calls: Bigger jobs come with solving dilemmas and overcoming challenges. Do not spin your wheels; learn how to manage such issues promptly.

Reflection & Action: Where would you need to improve to step to your next level? n

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