Candid Talk

Respect wedding ceremonies, dress accordingly

The wedding season is back and invitations are flowing. We are getting busier during weekends and this takes me to our discussion today. I and other people have observed the growing trend, especially in men, of going to wedding ceremonies dressed casually. Some show up wearing a jersey of their favourite football team. Others look shabby, disregarding the dress code.

I know that showing up at a wedding ceremony is a kind gesture. No one is under any obligation to show up, but we do because we love and wish the couple well. It is, therefore, important to attend with a little respect, including dressing up for the occasion. Putting in a little effort to look good goes a long way. Pictures and videos are taken to preserve memories and it is wrong for you and me to show up at a venue looking shabby or too casual and spoil the couples’ pictures.

We get to support the new couple on its special day by dressing accordingly. Going there without caring how one looks is a sign of being indifferent. Actually, if we cannot put in a little effort into our dressing and looks, it is better not to show up. I think that would be better than making the wedding look like a circus.

This also goes for service providers. If you are a decorator and you are doing touch ups at the venue, at least, look decent or wear clothing that identifies you as a service provider. Photographers are another group that needs to be aware that their presence is felt by everyone. Dressing up shabbily because you are simply there to take photos is not cool. Either wear some sort of a uniform or dress up nicely so that you do not become an eye sore to guests. We will not talk about masters of ceremonies because we have to give it to them that these days MCs are dressing very well.

Also, when we go to a wedding, can we, at least, sit down and participate? I have noted many people are using weddings as a meet up point with friends and relatives they hardly spend time with. You will find weddings guests standing outside the venue chatting and taking pictures together for hours on end. This is another form of disrespect. If you can spend a minute and put yourself in the shoes of the newlyweds, would you love it to see most of your guests ignoring the main event and spending time just playing and chilling outside?

Let us normalise being good wedding guests. After all, a wedding ceremony only lasts for a few hours. We can put our activities on hold for those few hours and be good guests to support our friends during one of the most important days of their lives.

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