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Wrap-up advice: Secrets of financial success

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Yes, I agree. It has been such an eventful year. But take another look at the year that has gone—have you triumphed financially or you are swearing as you read this?

It’s just hours before 2012, what have you achieved financially in 2011? Any savings or investments to show? I am genuinely happy for you if you are looking back with a smile. If not, then surely plan for a financially sound 2012. Whichever way, I can only hope that this column has been an integral part of your personal finance success or else let it haunt you into positive action in the coming year.

By the way, I was reflecting on my personal finance life and I am happy to share with you some little thoughts and beliefs that have helped me improve my finances, career and made my life better over the year 2011. Try to believe and practice them – I will be surprised if you remain the same in 2012.

—Time is money. Don’t waste either one.

—Spend less than you earn.

—If you have high-interest debt, eliminating it should be your top money priority.

—If you think about every coin you have before you actually spend it, you’ll find more money in your pocket.

—Stuff you’re not using is money that’s not invested.

—Don’t overthink your investments before you start. You’re better off starting your investing now and making needed changes down the road.

—Spending time with family can look like old life style (ameneyu ndi tradi) but it saves money, too. It doesn’t cost anything to spend the evening playing cards or hide-and-seek in the backyard than going out drinking alone.

—A few minutes spent taking care of your things is much less expensive than buying a replacement early because you didn’t maintain it.

—The more you give without strings or regrets, the better you feel about your own life and the more money you make—a happy person works optimally.

—A good motivational or personal finance management book never lets you down.

—If you want to learn about something, surround yourself with like-minded people or with books on that topic: audiobooks in your car, books on your bedroom shelf, printed articles on your breakfast table. Make the ideas flood your mind.

—No matter what kind of positive life change you’re trying to create, it’s always easier if you have a friend doing it with you.

—Tell the people you love that you love them. Often. You never know the last time you’ll be able to tell them that, and if you don’t take that chance, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. No amount of money will take that regret away. More importantly, there can’t be happiness if you make money and have no loved ones to spend with.

Have a blessed and financially fulfilling 2012!

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