
Decorating your baby’s nursery

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Deciding what colour to paint a nursery for your new baby is a big decision. Parents want to create a special environment for their child. Most of them will go for blue if it is a baby boy, pink if it is a baby girl, and yellow when they want a neutral colour. But there are other colours that you can use to decorate your child’s room with. This even makes it easier if you are planning to have more children. You do not have to change the room. MWERETI KANJO did a little bit of research on this subject.

 Black and White

Black and white graphic prints are available in a variety of baby products. Newborns have an easy time seeing the distinction between these two extremes than they do with subtle colour combinations. For the beddings, choose a gender-neutral pattern such as polka dots or stripes.

Add simple accessories like a white lamp base with a black shade or a pair of white curtains with black ties. For added contrast, include gray or red in your colour choices. When the baby arrives, you can add a black and white floral print throw pillow or blanket for a girl. For a boy you can include a black and white sports jersey on the wall.


Several animal prints come in gender-neutral styles. Choose a zoo theme, with safari and jungle animals all over the walls and bedding. Include bright colours such as greens and golds in this palette, which will work for either gender.

For another animal spin, take your nursery to the farm with classic barnyard animals and themes. Include a mobile made of sheep baby can count as he drifts off to sleep at night. Popular animal themes such as birds and owls also work well with either gender. Keep them neutral with a colour palette of green, yellow or orange, and add a coordinating accent of purple or navy when the baby arrives.

Candy Land

Show your baby you think she’s sweet with a candy-themed bedroom. Use a candy garland from a Christmas tree to decorate the upper edge of the walls, or hang it over the curtain rods on the windows. Glue plastic or glass artificial candies around the shades on the lamps and purchase wall decals that resemble bright lollipops and gumdrops.

Neutral Neutrals

If you want gender-neutral, opt for neutral colours. Baby’s room can look crisp and clean when you keep white as the main colour in the palette, and then add small accessories with subtle pops of other colours such as an embroidered quilt on the bed or a lampshade with ric rac trim. If you’re worried about keeping an all-white room clean day in and day out, try another neutral shade like brown. Put khaki on the walls and highlight it with brightly-coloured picture frames in red, yellow and green. Or choose a darker brown, using a tan on the walls and a chocolate coloured rug and bed. Accent this colour brown with a pale yellow or a teal colour that can work for both sexes.

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