Gears For Careers


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Becoming a highly productive and prolific person is never an accident. It’s the result of a commitment to some clear priorities and consistent action.
Focus: Have clear goals to make a difference and shape important agendas. You’ll not chance upon what you want to achieve so, start with ‘the end in mind’ and keep the eye on the outcome you want.
Rally: You are not going to manage everything yourself, you’ll need a team for advice, support, encouragement and correction. You also need to identify people who are fruitful to multiply your efforts.
Unstick: Don’t stay too long in a situation where you have done everything, but still feel unable to move forward. If you find yourself in such a situation, get some perspective from someone you trust.
Inspire: Feed your exuberance by stoking the inner confidence and belief in what you are doing. Don’t be afraid to shake things to get the result you need.  Motivate yourself and develop the ability to move forward, to always organise yourself and push to accomplish things.
Think: No matter how talented you are, your actions will stem from how and what you think. Wrong thinking can keep you from accomplishing. Engage in actions that require you to use your brainpower to strengthen your mind.
Fail: I am not asking you to go and deliberately fail; rather don’t be so afraid to fail that you don’t try anything new that has potential to increase your impact. If you have opportunity to experiment, do so quickly so you can learn the good and ditch what does not work.
Undoubt: Make a list of your most persistent doubts and see how many of those are founded on the truth or are simply your imagination. Don’t wait for others to encourage you, encourage yourself.
Leverage: Be resourceful and maximise what you know by looking for opportunities to transfer skills to different settings.
Now take action: In what ways could you use your abilities more?

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