My Thought

But she/he is born again

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I have heard the phrase so many times in reference to a self-proclaimed born-again Christian who does or says something that is deemed contrary to Christian principles or the Word of God.

“How can a born-again Christian do that?” “Why do they say they are born-again when they dress like that?” “Born-agains shouldn’t talk like that…”

When a born again Christian gets angry, they are quickly frowned upon and judged to have strayed from Christian values. For some reason, they are expected to be immune to anger and smile even when they are cross with someone.

When a leader of a born again grouping that believes in God’s healing power falls ill and seeks medical attention, critics will rise up and ask why they decided to ‘trouble’ themselves and seek medical attention instead of simply praying to their God for healing.

If a born again Christian impregnates a woman or falls pregnant before marriage, they are the talk of town. How could they, who claim to know the scripture better, go astray?

But born-again, at least in my understanding, simply refers to the supposed spiritual rebirth that comes from accepting Christ as one’s saviour. Thus, any Christian can be born again. It is just that the born-again types are usually those that emphasize on a personal relationship with Christ.

In most cases, they are just striving to live right; determined to follow the scriptures despite their so many human weaknesses that sometimes overcome their will to do good or follow God’s Word.

Being born again doesn’t transform human beings to angels or supernatural beings that are immune to physical pain or other emotions. They are still human beings who, even as they strive to live holy lives, get upset and angry when someone steps on their toes.

Even though they claim to have undergone a spiritual rebirth, they are still in their human bodies, which are prone to attacks by various diseases and, just like any other normal human being, require medical attention time and again.

What I don’t understand is why someone’s choice to be born-again invites all sorts of irrational expectations, when everyone has their own life with which they can make their own choices.

Should somebody’s born-again status be taken for granted ‘because they can easily ignore and forgive the pain and anguish’ caused by others?

There are too many high expectations attached to ‘born-againism’ that we sometimes forget that like everyone else, born-agains are mortal and that they, too, ought to be allowed to be human without attracting unnecessary frowns of disapproval when they err.

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