National News

Global Fund hails Malawi’s strides

The Global Fund has hailed Malawi for making progress towards eradicating HIV and Aids, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria despite facing considerable challenges.

The Global Fund head of grant management Mark Eldon Edington showered the praise yesterday during the official launch of a new three-year funding cycle worth $525 million (about K919.2 billion) at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe.

He said the partnership between the fund and Malawi Government spans over 20 years and to date the Global Fund has provided over $2.8 billion to the country to combat the diseases and strengthen the national health system.

Secretary to the Treasury Betchani Tchereni and Edington
exchange agreement documents

Said Edington: “In terms of HIV, the period from 2016 to 2022 saw an increase from 76 percent to 94 percent in the number of people living with HIV who know their status. Additionally, the percentage of those receiving life-saving antiretroviral treatment rose from 91 percent to 98 percent and those who are virally suppressed increased from 91percent to 93 percent, confirming the attainment of epidemic control and the UNAids target.”

He said by 2022, about 71 percent of 18 000 people identified as having TB were receiving treatment while 90 percent of new and relapsed cases were successfully treated.

In his address, President Lazarus Chakwera said previous grants have enabled the country to expand access to essential health services, increase the availability of life-saving medications, and improve healthcare infrastructure.

He said: “We have procured ambulances and utility vehicles, established gas plants and acquired modern hospital equipment such as CT scans.”

US Embassy Charge d’Affaires Amy Diaz indicated that during the seventh replenishment, the United States committed $6 billion, accounting for nearly 40 percent of the $15.7 billion pledged by donors.

The investment over the next three years aims to ensure that over a million Malawians continue to receive free antiretroviral medicines for HIV.

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