Great Angels reveals 2013 plans
Great Angels Choir has unveiled its 2013 plans, with shooting a DVD at each of their live performances topping the agenda.
The group’s music director, Ephraim Zonda, saidon Saturday.
He said the first project is to record DVDs of all their three albums Mundifungatile, Ngwire Dzanja and Ndiyende Bwanji at live shows.
Zonda said the project will be staged at the five star Bingu International Conference Centre in Lilongwe.
“We want to bring to our fans live performances at their homes for family entertainment. The project is expected to end by April,” said Zonda.
He described 2012 as a successful year to the group saying they have seen God’s favour.
“We were blessed a lot in 2012 and we have seen the group rising to another level.
In the year, our album Ndiyende Bwanji was one of the best top selling albums.
We managed to buy two minibuses which we use for transport and we owe these to God,” he said.
The group in December donated Christmas gifts to patients at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) as one of their charity work.