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Vic Marley could be described as a thinker
Vic Marley could be described as a thinker

Vic Marley

dancehall musician

Genres like dancehall RnB and hip hop in Malawi are mostly associated with a certain age group. However, one musical genius made Dancehall and urban music as a whole appealing to all including the older generation. Fact is that unlike most urban music which is more egocentric, Vic Marley raised real issues in his music. There is more than just the music to the life of Vic Marley, Our Reporter MAYAMIKO SEYANI explores.

Born on October 5 1978 as Victor Kunje, at St Marys Hospital in Karonga, Vic was nothing more than an ordinary boy but grew up influenced by music as his dad liked to listen to reggae music. Vic Marley was second born in a family of eight.

Vic Marley developed passion in music during the 90s and he was inspired by musicians such as Linton Quessi Johnson, Mutabaruka and used to imitate them. There was a programme on MBC Radio 2 called Ragga Streets and this stirred up the passion of music bottled in his heart. In a personal letter addressed to his brother Vic explained his choice for music saying he chose to do music because it would set him free.

His passion grew even enormously when he was in secondary school at Kaphuka private school in Lunzu where he adopted the name Vic Marley from Bob Marley which was one of his idols. Vic used to perform at variety shows during weekends whilst at school.

Vic Marley in performance
Vic Marley in performance

In an exclusive interview with Chill, his brother Yampido Kunje said that Vic was a reserved person who did not believe in white supremacy. He also said that Vic Marley read a lot of history and religious books.

“Despite being a Muslim, Vic was tolerant of all religions and his devotion to Islam did not stop him from thinking beyond that,” said Yampido.

Yampido recalls that Vic used to hide the fact that he was doing music because his father did not approve him to do music until later when he gave him a go ahead.

Despite his passion in music, Vic Marley continued with his education attending secondary school at Kaphuka Private Secondary School  where he got his Junior Certificate  and moved to Bvumbwe, Private schools where he got his Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE). He even went further and enrolled with IZF Business College where he was awarded a Diploma in IT.

The former Ragga Street producer, Tailos Bakili, described Vic Marley as a very creative artist and talented artist who sought for originality by creating his own identity.

“He was an artist who believed in investing in quality time harnessing his musical talents in the studio, he never rushed” said Bakili.

Bakili further added that Vic Marley was a pivotal figure in local reggae music’s trend who adopted a new style that focused on his tenor vocals and which saw consciousness rising above in his lyrics.

Vic Marley was also a peace loving person as he came forward to clear the arguments that was rising between Annie Matumbi who crowned himself Nyakwawa and Mad Character Crew. He usually said that there is no use for Malawians to be involved in arguments as elsewhere they do it for marketing purposes and Malawians have nothing to fight for.

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