Gears For Careers

How elastic are you professionally? (1)

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What I call professional elasticity is when you can stretch beyond your comfort zone, function well in a variety of situations and are able to bounce back quickly from mistakes. Here are common ways your ‘elasticity’ can be tested and what you can do about it.

Working with a new boss: This usually brings anxiety because a new boss comes with their approaches, new priorities as well as different ways of working with people. It’s a time to study a new person all over again, to quickly adapt to new ways of doing things. But the arrival of a new boss could also be a time of opportunity. It might bring uncertainty but keep an open mind, be adaptable to change and as supportive as you can.

Job description keeps evolving: Many job descriptions have a tagline ‘and any other duties that may be assigned from time to time’. A sweeping statement no doubt but the reality is your job is unlikely to stay the same for long. So don’t be so attached to your job description that you reject opportunities to step out and handle new assignments. Embrace any chance to have enriching experiences so that you’ll be ready to handle any tasks. The more versatile you are, the more stable your career will be.

Placed with a team of high achievers: This can be daunting. Chances are that you have some unique skills to offer the team; be confident and use them. Also honestly and quickly assess where your gaps are and develop them. Don’t pretend to know what you do not know. Have a teachable attitude.

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