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I ask for DPP’sforgiveness—Ganda

Nsanje Lalanje legislator Gladys  Ganda (Democratic Progressive Party [DPP]) has apologised to the party’s leader Peter Mutharika, less than a week after she was removed as director of elections.

In a public apology on Friday, Ganda, who the party last week reassigned to the position of presidential adviser purportedly due to sentiments she made at President Lazarus Chakwera’s Shire Valley tour, has since asked for a second chance from Mutharika.

She said: “I request for forgiveness and plead for a second chance. I am a true, loyal and hardworking DPP’s only MP [member of Parliament] for Shire Valley districts which have 11 MPs. I will remain and die a DPP genuine member.”

Ganda: I regret to have spoken that way

In her sentiments during Chakwera’s tour at Sorgin Trading Centre in Chikwawa last Monday, Ganda praised Chakwera, describing him as a God-given leader who has the welfare of Malawians at heart.

The legislator further said it is important that as the country’s President, Chakwera should visit all areas to appreciate people’s needs.

This did not go down well with DPP which through its spokesperson Shadric Namalomba, who also doubles as Mutharika’s personal spokesperson, announced in a statement that the legislator had been reassigned and that she ceased to be the director of elections.

But in her public apology, Ganda expressed regret over her sentiments and said she remains a bona fide member of the opposition political party.

“I regret having spoken that way. It was not intentional but the environment forced me to speak carelessly as it was intimidating. I stand with all meaningful Malawians who currently are suffering from different social challenges across the country. Please, forgive me,” she said.

When contacted yesterday, Ganda could not explain further if her apology had been accepted by Mutharika while Namalomba could not be reached.

But commenting on the hullabaloo, political analyst Wonderful Mkhutche yesterday said it is good that the dust has settled within the party.

He said the DPP, which is freshly coming from a convention, cannot afford another infighting and further said what will be important is for the party to channel all its energy towards winning the September 16 2025 General Elections.

He said: “It is normal to be overwhelmed by the presence of the President [Chakwera] and party supporters. In this environment, you speak to appease and gain applause. But now, Honourable Ganda has learnt her lesson and the DPP seems united. This is the most important thing.”

The DPP, which was booted out of power by the current Chakwera-led administration in the court-sanctioned June 23 2020 fresh presidential election, held its elective convention on August 18 and 19 where Mutharika, together with other senior party officials went unopposed.

It is at this convention where Ganda also got elected as the party’s director of elections, beating former Malawi Electoral Commission commissioner Jean Mathanga, who is also a senior member of the DPP.

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