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IFMIS backup data found offshore

Reported plunder has reversed her gains: Banda
Reported plunder has reversed her gains: Banda

Technocrats working on auditable files of transactions through the suspended Integrated Financial Management Information System (Ifmis) have an easy go with all data deleted on Malawi computers found intact in offshore servers for the software, The Nation has learnt.

This means any payment, as long as it went through the Ifmis, is now traceable even if abusers of the system deleted such data on Malawi computers or the local server domiciled at the Accountant General’s Department.

Several accounts people we spoke to last week indicated that many fishy transactions, including loans, were deleted from Ifmis at Capital Hill, but an e-government source hinted that all that information has been traced through an offshore server domiciled in Tanzania.

Although Treasury spokesperson Nations Msowoya said there is no official report on the matter, he indicated that “all information is there.”

Said Msowoya in an interview on Sunday: “The offshore system helps backup our data and is recoverable.”

The revelation comes barely a week after donors, particularly Britain, indicated that they are flying in forensic audit experts currently on the ground working with responsible agents.

It also comes just days after Accountant General David Kandoje announced that the suspended Ifmis will be back in use effective November 1 2013 when government is expected to have completed the cleanup exercise currently underway.

In a letter dated October 7 2013 addressed to all controlling officers and heads of department, Kandoje outlined seven procedures for processing of manual payments during the Ifmis break.

Among other procedures,  Kandoje said the collection ofcheques from Accountant General’s Department will be done on Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays only.

“All ministries, departments and agencies will be required to maintain the required books of accounts such as cash books, ledgers, cash controls and reconcile their books with funding received, expenditure and budget.”

He also said: “The manual payment vouchers will be submitted to Accountant General’s Department on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only.

“Funding will still be processed through staffware [Malswitch] to Reserve Bank by Ministry of Finance.”

“Ministry of Finance will then officially inform Reserve Bank of Malawi and send notification to all ministries, departments and a copy to the Accountant General’s Department.

“During the Ifmis break, all ministries, department and agencies will still be required to abide to the existing public financial management regulations, treasury instructions, desk instructions and internal control measures as directed.”

Malawi Government suspended the computer-aided accounting system following reports of massive looting on public funds in a syndicate that involved both politicians and technocrats atCapital Hill.

The looting has since led to some donors withholding aid, rekindling fears of economic downturn experienced during the latter years of former president the late Bingu wa Mutharika.

President Joyce Banda easily won back donor confidence riding on the hope of restoring sanity in Capital Hill’s financial management but the reported plunder has reversed the gains.

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