Kabaza union rolls out mobilisation campaign
A newly established Union of Kabaza and Motorcycle Operators (Ukamo) has recruited 5 380 members following a membership mobilisation campaign it has rolled out in Lilongwe.
Ukamo was formed last year to promote professionalism and the welfare of the business operators a bicycle and motorcycle taxis businesses blamed for contributing to the rise in road traffic accidents in the country.
In a written response to our questionnaire, Ukamo executive director Leonard Phiri said the growth in their membership base will help reduce road accidents.
“Ukamo will help address accidents caused by motorcycles through disseminating information about road safety and accident prevention and sensitising operators regarding the need to comply with regulations,” he said.
Phiri said to effectively canvass for membership, Ukamo perceived the need to define the problem constraining kabaza and motorcycle operators.
“Upon identifying the problem, the union decided to gather information to understand all related problems. This involved Ukamo planners visiting places where operators are based and at the district level,” he said.
The Lilongwe mobilisation meetings were organised in kabaza and motorcycle business hubs which included Chigwirizano, Malingunde Dam and Kaphiri.
One of the new members, Thomas Patrick said he joined the organisation after being impressed with its agenda.
“We really need an organisation that has our interests at heart. Ukamo has showed that they are fully prepared to support us and be our defender,” he said.