
Life’s breakthroughs

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Breakthroughs are a great part of our lives.  That ‘Aha’ moment, as former talk show hostess Oprah Winfrey would put it, when everything in your life or your mind snaps into place, your destiny is either fulfilled or you finally realise the purpose of your existence and set out on the path to fulfil that purpose.

If you’re like most people, you’ve either just gotten your breakthrough or you are on the brink of it. You might be working and praying fervently to get to it. Or, you could be holding yourself back from that all important breakthrough in your career or your life in general.  Whatever your goal, simply sitting still won’t help; there comes a time when you need a special kind of strategy to push you on to the next level.

According to Lindsy Van Gelder’s O Magazine article on the same, there are at least nine ways in which to propel yourself to that breakthrough, whether you’ve hit a motivational wall and need to get back on track or you have to head down an entirely different road.  Below are some of the nine ways suggested by Van Gilder that I felt worth sharing. I wish you the best of luck as you push towards your breakthrough!


Go Public

When Grand Plans linger in the daydream stage, there’s always a risk that they’ll die there. Going on the record is one way to keep them alive.


Join the Club

Whatever your goal you can draw enthusiasm and ideas from like-minded dreamers.

When in Doubt, DIY

If help isn’t forthcoming ask yourself: ‘Is there another way to make this happen?’ For Amanda Hocking, hundreds of rejection slips initially crushed her hopes of being an author. “Then I realized, if you have a dream, you can’t let people tell you know,” she says. “I decided to do whatever it took for my books to get out there.” So she self-published her novel electronically on The first day, she sold five books; the next day, five more. Today she has grossed $2 million and become a best-selling e-author on Amazon.


Know Your Strengths

Sometimes strengths seem so obvious, they’re easy to overlook; know what they are and how you can use them to your advantage.


Embrace Your Critics

Naysayers come with the territory. Baseball lover Justine Siegal endured a lifetime of put-downs. As a 13-year-old, she was told that her coach didn’t want her on his all-boy team. At 16, she heard that no man would listen to a woman on a field. “I’m shy but determined,” says Siegal. “I stood in front of hundreds of people, mostly men, and asked them what major league baseball was planning to do beyond selling pink jerseys to get girls involved.”

Soon after, Siegal was hired as an assistant coach by minor league team the Brockton Rox. She has increased her participation ever since. This past spring, Siegal pitched batting practice for the Cleveland Indians. Sure, it’s intimidating. But every time she climbs the mound, she says, “I take all the butterflies and trembling and I just stuff them.”

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