National News

Malga protests formalising ADC, VDC

Malawi Local Government Association (Malga) has queried Ministry of Local Government for formalising area development committees (ADCs) and village development committees (VDCs) through a law amendment.

If passed by Parliament, the proposal will mark a departure from the current administrative arrangement which has enabled councils to recognise the ADCs and VDCs over time.

Minister of Local Government Blessings Chinsinga made the announcement on Monday through his official social media platforms.

Chinsinga: They will
be legal structures

He said the proposed amendment to the Local Government Act will facilitate the changes.

Chinsinga said: “One issue that comes forth with the current review of the Local Government Act is the establishment of the area development committees and village development committees as legal local structures recognised by law, a move away from the current mere administrative arrangement.”

He said once these structures become legally recognised, they will show government action at the grass roots by having well-established offices which is not the situation.

Chinsinga said currently only Karonga District Council has set the pace by establishing its own fully fledged ADC office with all relevant personnel.

But in an interview yesterday, Malga executive director Hadrod Mkandawire said the initial agreement was to formalise the ward development and neighbourhood development committees instead.

But Centre for Social Accountability and Transparency executive director Willy Kambwandira yesterday observed that the ADCs and VDCs are already legally recognised by law under the Local Government Act.

The VDC representation is from a group village responsible for identifying needs and facilitating planning and development in local communities while the ADC represents all village development committees under a traditional authority that mobilizes community resources and implements development interventions within its area.

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