Nampak Malawi to diversify

Packaging Industries Malawi (PIM) rebranded to Nampak Malawi last week with a promise to diversify into the production of a wide range of products and venture into other packaging opportunities.
Speaking during the unveiling of the company’s new brand, Nampak Malawi managing director Simon Itaye said the packaging firm will continue with the current offering of quality goods and services.
“We intend to continue with our focus on productivity management to further improve the quality of our goods and services. We are moving on from being your quality packaging supplier to a packaging excellence company, a company that will focus on not only packaging materials, but offering packaging solutions,” he said.
Presiding over the rebranding ceremony, former deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Sam Ganda said government cherishes private sector contribution to economic development.
“The path to economic recovery requires increased savings and investments which will further necessitate increased production inputs such as labour, land and capital. The ministry will, therefore, continue to engage in a number of efforts to support the private sector in Malawi including undertaking institutional, legal and regulatory reforms aimed at reducing costs and time of doing business,” he said.
The company’s chairperson Philip deWeerdt said Nampak is Africa’s largest packaging manufacturer and offers the most comprehensive product range.
He said Nampak’s vast portfolio of packaging solutions is primarily in the food and beverage market sector, as well as household and industrial products, cosmetics and toiletries, pharmaceuticals and medical markets.
DeWeerdt added that Nampak has state-of-the-art technical support and one of the leading research and development facilities worldwide.
According to the company, PIM ISO certified, has an annual turnover of about K6 billion and paying annual duties and taxes of about K1.2 billion.