Gears For Careers

Recognise when seasons change

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From time to time, things happen in and around us that we need to pay attention to, choose to ignore. What you start to feel, think and experience different from the usual, it could be communicating something you need to address. Here are some signs that you shouldn’t continue business as usual.

You feel complacent: It’s great to be in a situation where you feel comfortable, cosy and in your element. However, complacency can be dangerous because it can make you feel so secure that you don’t realise its potential danger such as becoming irrelevant or basing your future on assumptions that may no longer hold. Complacency also means you’ll stop learning and growing.

Shift of interest: When you start to feel a restlessness that will not go away, pay attention, try to understand it and respond accordingly. It may be because what excites you has changed. Don’t be tempted to carry on as usual because the way you are feeling may signal your need to make some shifts. It’s better to analyse why you are feeling uncomfortable with current circumstances than to work yourself into a rut. Be sensitive to what’s changing around or within you so you can accept and embrace whatever change is necessary to keep moving towards your next level.

Your thoughts begin to change. Sometimes the thoughts that dominate your mind start to be different from what you usually think about. Especially if you try to suppress those thoughts and cannot, it’s a clear indication that it’s time to be open to something new or end up stifling yourself. Take some time to reflect and empower yourself with the understanding to take necessary decisions.

You are easily distracted: When you are able to focus, it’s a sign that you are engaged with whatever you are doing. If the opposite happens, you probably need to take a step back and allow some fresh ideas to come in so that you can regain focus. Whatever you are doing must hold your focus and make you feel alive; distraction means you’re not and you’ve therefore got to do something different.

Now take action: What ‘’nudges’’ have you been ignoring? Write them down; do something about them.

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