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Redeployed coaches in the dark on tasks

Yet to get terms of reference: Chimodzi (L) Kinnah
Yet to get terms of reference: Chimodzi (L) Kinnah

Seven months after their redeployment, regional football development officers have said they do not know who to report to as Malawi government is yet to furnish them with terms of reference [ToRs].

Two of the redeployed coaches Jack Chamangwana [South] and Young Chimodzi [Centre] said up to now, they are unaware of their responsibilities as well as funding for their programmes.

Said Chamangwana: “When we contact the authorities, they keep on saying they will revert to us, but nothing has come up. Maybe it is something to do with government bureaucracy.

“As for me, I have just drawn up developmental programmes without the actual guidelines.

“And even after coming up with programmes, funding is proving to be the biggest challenge to implement them because I require fuel and equipment and I am forced to use my personal resources.”

The former Football Association of Malawi (FAM) technical director and Flames technical adviser also said he does not know who to report to.

“Of course, we are operating from Sports Council regional offices, but the council says we are supposed to be working directly under the ministry unless otherwise stated. So, it is a problem,” said Chamangwana.

However, Chamangwana said in the absence of ToRs, he still has been able to train coaches and assist some teams with the help of the Southern Region Football Coaches Committee (SRFCC).

Chimodzi said he is also in a similar predicament.

“It is like we are in the dark because much as we have an idea of what we are supposed to be doing, we were not given ToRs.

“As for me, most of the times, I just offer technical assistance to teams that are in need,” he said.

Kinnah Phiri, who was redeployed to the North, could not be reached for comment.

Sports Council executive secretary George Jana said his office has no control over the trio.

“We were just asked to provide offices as for other logistics such as the kind of responsibilities they are supposed to undertake, then you should contact the Ministry [of Youth Development and Sports],” said Jana.

He added: “So, until government comes out clearly with the specifics, we have no control over them. It requires that they [ministry] outline to us how they expect the coaches to operate.”

Principal Secretary II in the Ministry of Sports Justin Saidi said the issue was being handled at departmental level and referred The Nation to director of sports Jameson Ndalama who said the trio is aware of government expectations.

“If they say they do not know what they are supposed to be doing, then why do they report to the offices? These people have offices and in as far as we are concerned they are working.

“What remains now is for FAM, Sports Council and themselves to come up with a proper arrangement of how they are supposed to operate,” said Ndalama.

However, a soccer official Kondie Msungama said without guidelines in place, the country will benefit very little from the services of the trio.

“These are three very experienced tacticians and it is unfortunate that we are not making good use of them to develop our football.

“The situation confirms claims made by some quarters that government redeployed them just to avoid compensating them. Otherwise, without ToRs and resources, we shouldn’t expect much,” said Msungama.

He added: “The issue of their ToRs should have been addressed upon their redeployment and if authorities are failing to come up with the guidelines then they can consult the relevant people such as FAM technical subcommittee and TD as well as the national coaches body.”

The trio were redeployed by government to Regional Sports Offices of the Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS) in January this year soon after FAM recommended their removal from the national soccer team coaching panel.

Prior to their redeployment, Kinnah was the Flames head coach with Chimodzi as his deputy while Chamangwana doubled as Flames technical adviser and FAM TD.

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