National News

Salima District Council beats revenue target

Salima District Council on Monday reported that it has beaten its revenue target by eight percent in the 2020/21 financial year.

Salima District Council director of finance Limbani Mwafulirwa disclosed this during a ceremony to award three revenue collectors with cash prizes for their exceptional performances.

He said the gesture was meant to motivate responsible officers to increase revenue collection for improved service delivery.

Mwafulirwa said that in the past financial year, the council targeted to collect K183 million, but beat the target by 8 percent after collecting about K198 million.

Mzoma (R) receiving a cash prize from Soko (C) as Salima DC looks on

He said the council will be awarding the deserving revenue collectors once every quarter as a way of motivating them to work hard in their work.

The director of finance said the 2020/21 financial year was the only year when the council collected above its target since the district council and the town council merged to become one in 2010.

“We are still exploring  some ways on how we can generate more revenue through involvement of our political leadership like councillors through relevant committees so that we are able to increase revenue generation in the council,” he said.

Khombedza Market revenue collector Misi Mzoma was declared the revenue collector of the year and went away with a cash prize of K120 000.

Khombedza achieved a 140 percent revenue collection target, followed by Malizani Yusuf of Salima Bus Depot who got K100 000 for achieving a 100 percent revenue collection target while Bwanali Billy of Kamuzu Road Market came third for achieving a 98 percent of his target and got a cash prize of K80 000.

Salima Council chairperson councillor Letan Mthaphwi congratulated the council for beating the set target.

He, however, asked the secretariat to improve its service delivery and make sure that they have sanitary facilities that are in good condition.

District Commissioner for Salima, Grace Chirwa Kanyimbiri commended the revenue collectors for their dedication and hard working spirit which she said helped the council to beat its target.

She said their hardworking spirit has helped the council to clear out all its outstanding salary arrears with its direct employees.

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