St Columba CCAP Church celebrates 80 years
After clocking 80 years last year, St Columba CCAP Church will from October 13-14 2013 hold anniversary celebrations under the theme Let’s go to the house of the Lord.
The celebrations, which have taken six months to prepare, are expected to be graced by President Joyce Banda.
Publicity chairperson of the event, Arnold Maseko, said the celebrations have been organised to bring old and new members of the church together.
“This church had a lot of members but with time, some have married elsewhere and others have migrated to other places, so this event seeks to bring those back to their roots and show them what the church has been up to since they left,” said Maseko.
He said the event will be an opportunity for the church to showcase activities being undertaken by various ministries to spread the gospel.
Games such as volleyball, football, chess, bawo and netball will spice up the occasion.
Some of the invited guests for the celebrations are Presbyterian churches from the USA, Calvary Family Church, Presbyterian Church of Malawi, Assemblies of God and CCAP churches in Malawi.
St Columba CCAP Church started in 1932, with Chief Kapeni as one of its members and leader.