The season of defections and resignations is now open
Dear judge Mbadwa,
My lord, the political platform has been very busy lately and it appears politicians’ ‘tobacco season’ for 2025 tripartite elections is unofficially opened.
I understand, my lord, why politicians have somehow realised that there isn’t enough time anymore.
New parties, of course, whose leaders and members are neither new nor original, are emerging to position themselves as possible power brokers in view of the 50 plus one vote electoral system being used to elect the President of Nyasaland.
Trust me, very few parties would surface to realistically compete for the presidency; hence, my submission that ‘the new’ are just an extension of parties in existence albeit this time they want, for selfish reasons, to perform the role of king makers.
My lord, isn’t it interesting to see that two leaders, who fiercely fought for leadership of Democratic Alliance they inherited from Simbi ya Moto, are presidents of their own parties?
Their conduct gives us, the citizens, an inkling that their political ambitions are driven by the power to lead and not serve.
Anyway, were the servant leadership maxim not abused by the locals who promoted it, I would have recommended it to recycled politicians who are wearing new robes.
And of course, I expect the political wrangling in the People’s Demagogic Party will give birth to another party. Those frustrated by the conservatives who support Mapuya’s quest to extend his grip on power will announce a new PDP of some familiar faces.
My lord, the movement of recycled politicians seems to be seamless on both sides of the political divide though it appears Lazaro’s Cockerel is getting a lot of traffic for the obvious reason.
Any politician not sure of what will obtain in 2025, my lord, would logically rush to ride the gravy train of Lazaro. It is a gamble that could sometimes pay though there is a risk of losing base support in the process.
By the way, Lazaro has already set the tone that will characterise politicking before the official campaign is launched. He has now become a friend of everybody and appears to be listening more to traditional leaders, business executives, vendors, students and to anybody with a loud mouth.
Now as the defections, resignations and the endorsements are in full swing, it is the ordinary Nyasa that should be worried because 2025 will not bring anything new.
My lord, you don’t expect these glory hunting politicians to behave differently after the tripartite elections.
Most of these leaders learnt their trade during the Yellow Party’s reign and transferred their outdated skills to PDP, Amayi’s Open Lock, PDP again and now to the Cockerel group.
If another winner emerges in 2025, they will rush once again to that anointed person with all those false claims.
My lord, I believe our politics can benefit from a complete reset otherwise the recycled ones will always perpetuate politics that promote self-aggrandizement.
John Citizen