
There are wolves in sheep’s clothing

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Listening to a recorded clip gone viral about a woman and a supposed pastor the last week left my thoughts running wild. This was a woman who was allegedly asked out by a pastor of her church and appalled by his actions, decided to report him to his superiors for a reprimand. The pastor, in his own defence apparently accused the woman of masterminding the intended affair, adding to the woman’s disgust and anger. She sought the social media to embarrass him and I must say her move worked because Mr. Pastor was back to her on his knees, begging her to remove the damaging posts. She would not relent and her rantings made it clear she was not one to mess with.

Now, on which side is telling the truth or the circumstances of the foiled affair are not my issue. I wish to generally make an observation about these men of God, the flock and relationship herein. The booming of these Pentecostal gathering, in my observation, has diluted what used to be the respect or self-conscious relationship between males and females. I know of pastors who will not give it a second thought to visit a woman’s home, whatsapp her or accord a one on one counselling session. That is fine, but I now believe why the old school suggestion of a pastor being accompanied to such meetings meant. The more people around such session, the lesser the temptations to stray by either parties.

That notwithstanding the fact that there are some pastors who take advantage of women’s vulnerability and overly dependence on the men of the collar for their personal problems. They hit on them or touch them inappropriately “In the name of Jesus” for selfish reasons. I just wonder how many women are suffering in silence for fear of ‘offending God’ or washing dirty linen in public following similar experiences. Many have been violated and continue to experience such because these wolves in sheep skin perpetually use the name of God to service their lustful desires.

I understand this woman’s anger in particular the fact that her rage was triggered by someone she trusted. Churches and congregations are meant to be family where people of God meet to fellowship. It becomes absurd when the pastor’s eye begins to rove around unsuspecting congregants searching for the prettiest, richest, most submissive or faithful to take advantage of. Again, sometimes it is the women who attend churches for purposes of bringing down pastors in form of seductions. Either side, take caution. Women, stay alert for those tell tale signs and do not ignore that nagging feeling that raises the alarm to something wrong. If it doesn’t feel or look right, it is not, not matter what the offender says. Many pastors are manipulative and will downplay silly actions once reprimanded. Flee once that happens. For pastors, be alert too for those she devils advancing at you and ask to be accompanied to those private arrangements if you are serious about survival in the Lord.

Lastly, women, don’t hesitate to report harassment in churches. It is real and God should not be the scapegoat. n

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