Xmas celebration drowns into bereavement
What had started as a normal Christmas celebration culminated into a day of darkness for people around Kaning’ina Dam in Mzuzu.
The tearful mood descended on the communities when the body of John Ndolo, 28, was discovered floating in the murky dam owned by Mzuzu City Council (MCC) on Friday around 2pm.
According to block head Baloyi, who oversees Mzuzu RTC compound, the deceased was last spotted on the afternoon of December 25, when the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.
“On Christmas Day, John called home to have lunch with his family, but I was surprised this morning when his father came to tell me that he was worried about the whereabouts of his son and was planning spot-checks in pubs and homes where the deceased used to hang out with friends,” said Baloyi as he waited for police officers to come and examine the body.
In what was clearly a heart-rending coincidence, the body of Ndolo was discovered by his father who was coming from his agricultural chores as the dark clouds melted into thunderous showers on the fateful afternoon.
As people thronged the place, the perimeter of the dam became a home to hordes of mourners of all walks of life, particularly neighbours from Moyale Barracks and Mzuzu Agriculture RTC office.
The block leader told Nation on Sunday that the youthful Ndolo was readying himself for interviews for primary school teachers.
Locals say the bush-fringed water reservoir has been a deathtrap for years and was once abandoned by the council following the death of two pupils about 10 years ago.