Gears For Careers

Don’t ignore the ‘crap’ in your job

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Every job has some bits of ‘crap’. The bits that you dread and wish would go away. Guess what, it’s unlikely to disappear. So, face it and take it in your stride. Will it be easy? Probably not. Here are some tips.

Accept the ‘crap’ is part of the job: You will never get a job that is full of all the things you like to do. So, don’t go looking for another job every time you have to deal with work or situations that bore you, challenge you or frustrate you. Don’t complain about it or wished you could ignore it. If it comes with your territory, deal with it with a good attitude.

Identify what the ‘crap’ is: Don’t throw the baby with the water by getting into the ‘my job sucks’ mindset just because you are dealing with things you would rather not do. If your ‘crap’ is low value and time consuming, find a way to get through them quickly. If it’s big things in your job that feel like ‘crap’, then you probably are in the wrong job or are misunderstanding what your job is.

Deal with the ‘crap’ on purpose: If the ‘crap’ wears you out there’s every chance that you will ignore it which could mean you’ll end up not doing your full job or doing it well.  Don’t avoid it or procrastinate tackling the ‘crap’. Remember you are not getting paid just for doing things you like; in-fact, you could be more valuable to your employer if you get on with ‘crap’. Manage your energy by avoiding doing the ‘crap’ during your low energy points of the day.

Rethink the ‘crap’: Sometimes some things may feel like ‘crap’ because you are trying to do it the way it’s always been done. Do what works for you and think about how to get the ‘crap’ done without it consuming you. Look beyond it to something interesting or important it connects to so that it does not feel like slog or a waste of time.

Now take action: What is ‘crap’ in your job? Decide what will you do about them?

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