Gears For Careers

Create your ideal week

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I have made the point several times that being busy does not necessarily equal good work. You have to articulate the value of what you are spending time and energy on. Having an idea of your ideal schedule is a good approach to focussing on right things. How about starting with working through what your ideal week needs to look like? Here are some suggestions to guide you.

Decide what you need to deliver: If you think about your work only on a daily basis, such an approach can fragment the quality of what you can achieve over a longer time frame. It’s better to start by determining what you want to complete by the end of that week, map out your days and schedule your work fully clear about why you are doing what you’ve chosen to do.

Determine the high return tasks: Not everything you schedule for will be worth it. Start with the ‘big stones’— activities that are important and will advance your outputs. Also consider what margins you need to create in terms of time to fit in important things that might come up during the week. You don’t have to be legalistic about the schedule, but it will give you structure and keep your priorities top of mind.

Mark your milestones: Clarify in advance the outcomes you want. Track how are you doing on your timelines. Don’t be a spectator, simply drifting along and doing tasks without checking if they are taking you efficiently towards your outcomes. Take time to think through what you achieve, how you handle and overcome your obstacles so you don’t waste time figuring out what to do when they come.

Keep track of your thoughts: Work isn’t just doing, intentional thinking is equally vital. Don’t put your mind on autopilot. Pay attention to what are you thinking about. Note; if they are largely positive negative or simply mindless thoughts and make changes accordingly. Make sure you are forward thinking and solution focused.

Now take action: Plan this week using the outline above.

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