Rise and Shine

Boost your self-confidence

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You might have everything that is required to excel, but if you lack self-confidence, you will not get there. Self-confidence is a necessary ingredient for success.

If you are a person who is naturally confident, just make sure that you protect this asset. If you believe that you don’t have enough self-confidence, you need to take action to boost your confidence levels so that you may be equipped to excel.

The underlying building block for having self-confidence is to have a reason for pride. Find one or two things that make you different from others in a positive way. The great thing about our Creator is that He made sure that literally everyone has at least a reason to smile-even just the fact that He has given each one of us life to this day.

Surely, you should be able to identify one thing that you are great at. It could be that you have a great voice which makes you shine in the choir. You might be a good deal maker or great negotiator. You could be a person that people like to come to for advice at the office. You could be great in the kitchen or great at giving talks at bridal shower. Identify and count your graces.

When situations arise and you begin to lose your confidence, usually because you are in presence of many people or in presence of big figures, just recall all your graces. Say to yourself: “why should I tremble or lack confidence here?

I am also great in my own right. I sing better than this person, or I cook better, I am a better negotiator or many more people come to me for advice….”

When you do this, you will find that you immediately stop fearing or feeling small. In the process, you will boost your self-confidence.

In fact, when you seem to lose your confidence, ask yourself why. Once you get to the root of why you are losing your confidence, think of the possible opposite facts that dispute why you are losing your confidence.

You will find plenty of evidence in your life. Focus your thoughts on that evidence and why you should not have self-confidence and in the process, you will boost your confidence.

The third technique you can use to boost your confidence is to simply recall that most people also lack self-confidence. Recall the many moments that people projected themselves with little personal confidence. This will help you realise that it is normal to feel subdued. And so, you can as well stand out by being different from the crowd-choose to be confident.

The fourth technique you can use to boost your self-confidence is to remember the moments when you had lots of self-confidence. It could be a day when you chaired a family conflict resolution meeting, it could be the day when you were master of ceremony at a company event.

This could be the day when you were on an interview panel or indeed a day when you were the interviewee and you did well. The moment you recall those great moments, your view will automatically change and you will begin to feel great and positive. You will have boosted your self-confidence.

Everyone goes through moments when they lose self-confidence. Successful people are those who rarely lose self-confidence. If you are to join the club of successful people, you need to begin working on boosting your self-confidence so that you too can be confident most of the times.

Today, we have shared four of the key techniques that you can use to boost your personal confidence. Good luck as you rise and shine.


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