
‘Have a flawless skin on your wedding day 2’

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Last week, I wrote on how important it is to work towards having flawless skin for your wedding day at least three months in advance. Cleansing, toning, moisturising and exfoliating dead skin cells are all vital aspects in the road to great skin.

In this continuation of the article, we will look at a few more things you ought to include in your beauty routine.

Exfoliate at least twice a week using ground salt or brown sugar mixed with avocado if your skin is rough, or mixed with milk or lemon when you have oily skin.  Three times a week, scrub your face gently with aspirin dissolved in milk or lemon for acne free and smooth complexion.

Drink lots of water; at least eight glasses a day to cleanse your skin, improve texture and eliminate blemishes.

Eat healthy foods which are high in anti-oxidants such as berries, strawberries, pineapples, spinach, peanuts, black beans to help repair your skin, and stuff yourself with loads of fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods high in salt and sugar, and alcohol.

Exercise a minimum of three times a week to increase blood circulation, which will keep your skin looking radiant and your body in shape.

Get regular facials a few months before your wedding day if you can afford it and you will have a much better day when you are feeling confident and beautiful!

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