ActionAid touts pig pass-on programme
ActionAid Malawi executive director Pamela Kuwali says 27 000 smallholder farmers in Chiradzulu District will benefit from the pig pass-on programme.
Speaking on Tuesday during the distribution of the pigs in Traditional Authority Mpama, she said they launched a Kulima Better Project in 2018 to promote food security and nutrition and empower beneficiaries economically.
Kuwali said the project, funded by the European Union through Self Help Africa, has so far distributed 560 pigs to 44 090 farmers in Chiradzulu and Nkhata Bay.
She said: “Out of 560 pigs, 334 will be distributed to 27 000 farmers in Chiradzulu. The rest will be distributed to beneficiaries in Nkhata Bay.
“We hope that the pigs will help households with proteins, manure and will
be a source of income.”
Chiradzulu District director of agriculture, environment and natural resources Lusungu Mtokale said the project has empowered farmers economically in the district.
“The project will help build resilience among communities from the effects of climate change such as droughts and
floods,” he said.
One of the beneficiaries, Monica Mwambisi, said she is now economically independent.
“I sell the pigs and get money to buy basic things for my family and pay school fees for my children. I also use the manure to apply to my garden, which enables me to get bumper harvests,” she said.
Kulima Better Project, which is phasing out this year, first distributed 402 pigs and 362 goats to beneficiaries in the two districts in 2018 and distributed another 560 pigs on Tuesday.
ActionAid Malawi and Self Help Africa identify community facilitators who form farmers field school comprising 30 farmers.